The T
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The T's Guestbook

angel69_01Jan 14, 2005

\:rah\: I love your work.\;\)

PhantasyGurlJan 13, 2005

Love your creations, I feel on you on expressing yourself through your work, for I do as cretaing, designing That's me.. but anyways, keep 'em coming..very talented young man\:rah\:

SimanthaRatJan 5, 2005

Dear T, I love your Thai home. Part of what I love on this site is being able to download homes and clothing that are from differnt parts of the world. Your submissions are always welcomed by me. Thank you for all you do!! \:rah\: \:rah\: SimanthaRat

pkayu@cox.netJan 2, 2005

\:rah\: Very, very nice. I love it!

jannaDec 29, 2004

I came online to see if you were ok! Im glad to see youre safe! I am so sorry to hear about the natural disaster though \:\( Please take care!

ChazDesignsDec 29, 2004


ChazDesignsDec 29, 2004

Hi! Wanted to sign your guest book for ages, but i forgot!\:P I love your tai lady very nice! I 've been to thailand myself. Nice country! And yes, I feel terrible about the people who died from the tidal wave ot tsunami (whatever\:P ) Hope the death rates do not keep rising. Will you make more hair? Because they are the best hair besides Janna's Charlie

oldmember_SexyManDec 29, 2004

Although I am not affected by the disaster, it is heartbreaking for me to see so many people die. Anyway,it's good to hear that you are fine. Take care!

The TDec 28, 2004

To SexyMan..........Thanks for signing my guest book............................ I am still alright, but really sad about that tsunami.................................................................I study at Thammasat University, Rungsit Campus, near Bangkok , this is one of the place where they brought the tourists to stay after flew them to Bangkok...................................I have seen a lot of them cried because of losing their relatives, that make my heart broken...................................................And you might already know that the only grand son of king of thailand has died, too...and we all here is really sad now...............................................................I design to wear black to say that I am sad.....................................................And I won't celebrate for new year...I should not celebrate when a lot of people still sad..................................Ps. my family ( Dad's related ) live in Samui island in Thai gulf, so they have no risk for tsunami.

oldmember_ampmsDec 28, 2004

หวัดดีค่ะ ไม่ทราบว่าจะรับภาษาไทยได้หรือเปล่า ออกแบบชุดได้สวยมั่ก มั่ก ค่ะ ตกหลุมรักตั้งแต่แรกเห็นเลยทีเดียว \:wub\:

oldmember_SexyManDec 28, 2004

I know you come from Thailand. I am sorry to hear that the earthquakes caused heavy casualties for your country. Are you alright?

jannaDec 28, 2004

Wow...Ive been downloading your stuff long before I began skinning. Most people are only good at one or two areas of custom content, but you seem to have mastered nearly every area! Are you planning on getting into objects? If so, I better run while I can- you'll dethrone us all!! \:\)

ShalimarDec 27, 2004

\:\) Hello I just found your Tai Dress and u are right , it is a masterpeace ! I had to have it and my Sims will love u for this perfect Dress , big THANK U for it ! Greetings from Germany \;\) Shalimar

gicubashkanDec 27, 2004

\:\) Cool house, though a bit pricy. dude, 314k is a s&*tload of cash

Sphinx47Dec 23, 2004

Been meaning to sign your guestbook off and on now. You do wonderful work. I love the colors and the details. You are a great artist for Sims. I'm always waiting to see what you come up next. Thank you for giving us your work on here. Keep it up, man. Brightests blessings to you, Sphinx )O(

SimsManiaDec 22, 2004

Khun The T, I'm Thai, and I love The Sims too. I'm learning to create The Sims' skins and clothes. Your works are all excellent!!!

SimanthaRatDec 9, 2004

I love your Thai inspired clothing! Thanks for taking the time to create. I truly appreciate your excellent work. \:D \:D \:D

oldmember_SexyManDec 7, 2004

I like your new dresses. Gorgeous!\:D

symbiont18Dec 2, 2004

That's too bad... your stuff was daring but not raunchy. Good luck with the PCG deal.

The TDec 1, 2004

Thanks, everyone.......... For symbiont18, I think I would not make any cloth that that revealing again............ I have make a contract with PC-Gamer Thai Edition to publish some of my stuffs...........So I need to keep my image not too look like naughty kind of guy.

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